
Helpful hints for submitting your resume.


1. Resumes are limited to a maximum of 6 pages; applicants must show how their skills and experiences meet the qualifications of the job competencies listed.

2. Contact information: Address, email and phone number

3. For previous experience, indicate fulltime or parttime, hours worked per week, to and from dates in each position.

                                                     Example:  Program Analyst GS-343-11

                                                                      January 2009-present   

                                                                      40 hours/week - fulltime

4. Include volunteer work and roles in community organizations. Don't limit yourself to only including paid work experience. Include relevant volunteer work or community organizations roles that demonstrate your ability to do the job.

5. Organize your resume to make it easy to understand.

6. Be concise. Hiring agencies often receive dozens or even hundreds of resumes for certain positions. Hiring managers quickly skim through submissions and eliminate candidates who clearly are not qualified.  Look at your resume and ask:

                                                     a. Can a hiring manager see my main credentials within 10 to 15 seconds?

                                                     b. Does the critical information jump off the page?

                                                     c. Do I effectively sell myself on the top quarter of the first page?

7. Review your resume for spelling and grammatical errors and have someone else, with a critical eye for detail, review your resume also.

8. DO NOT include the following types of information in your profile or resume:

                                                         a. Classified or government sensitive information

                                                         b. Social Security Number (SSN)

                                                         c. Photos of yourself

                                                         d. Personal information, such as age, gender, religious affiliation,etc.

                                                         e. Encrypted or digitally signed documents

Resume Submission